Ballinfoyle Community Centre ,shaping up!

WP_20150729_044WP_20150729_004 WP_20150729_043 WP_20150729_008 WP_20150729_006 WP_20150729_005 WP_20150729_004Ballinfoyle Community centre, a decade in the making, and nobody sure as yet,as to who will be running it…lots of speculation..But The Building itself, is state of the Art!Meeting rroms(soundproofed) Viewing area, Light(and electronic Blinds)light and more light..really great job.Havent seen a floor for the Olympic sized Basketball Court like this one, though the designers say its what used as the standard in British Basketball courts…So whats in it?

Above the concrete layer is Foam, then sheets of light chipboard;topped by more chipboard,topped by 3mm of pure Rubber..

They were about to put in the same Baskets s in Knockcarra but asked them to consider the same as the Jes as its the same provider!

Anyway, it looks like Galway will have another decent Court available, lets hope its made affordable for the Community!Nice job all around..well done Galway City Hall!