Having trouble registering on your own? The Titans registrar will be on site in Westside Community Centre this Saturday the 10th of September from 9AM to 2PM to help you register.
Can’t make it? Send a WhatsApp to 0834826017 if you have a specific question.
Q: I just registered with Basketball Ireland and can’t find my BI PIN.
A:*If you have completed Basketball Ireland registration for this season but do not know your BI PIN, please log out and log back in to Basketball Ireland , click ‘Continue’ on the first page, type in your email that you used for the BI registration, then your password on the next page, and your BI PIN will be at the bottom of the page.
Q: I’m a returning member. When I try to register with Basketball Ireland I get this screen:
- On the first screen, If you’re a returning member, when you get to this screen make sure you leave the Club section blank and just click the right arrow next to your name. Do NOT select Titans until the second screen.
- Make sure you are using the same email as last year, spelling your name the same way, and using the same date of birth. Can’t remember? Please search your email inbox for last year’s confirmation email from with subject line ‘Successful Registration for Titans BC’. If you can’t find which email you used, contact Elle or Virzhiniya. Do not create a new account. Don’t have access to your old email address? Send a WhatsApp to 0834826017 to get your email changed.